Shrinking Numbers
Do we always get smaller numbers in our sequence?
We can analyze the table to determine at which point a cell value is an integer less than it's row number. What that means is that, for such a cell, using the trajectory defined by the column ECF and starting from the number of that row, we will reach a smaller number. We can then re-iterate this logic until we go all the way down to one, if possible.
When we look at the shrinking numbers, there is a pattern with respect to the powers of two.
2k+0 vs 2k + 1$
It is trivial to see that number of the form are even, and thus they will immediately shrink within a single iteration of Collatz Function.
Numbers of the form shrink with ECF , bijectively mapped to 2.
We do not have an immediate proof for odd numbers though. So, let us split the odd numbers in two as and .
4k+1 vs 4k+3
There is actually a neat proof that numbers of the form shrink with ECF .
Indeed, for positive integers .
Numbers of the form shrink with ECF , bijectively mapped to 5.
Again, we don’t know what is the case for . So we go one more level beyond, and look at numbers and .
8k+3 vs 8k+7
Candidates: 1 → 0, 2 → 0, 1, 3 (add 1 and prepend 0). Or, look at their bijective mappings: 2 → 5 → 11? Well, 11 would give ECF so that fits our previous guess!
Yeah, indeed this shrinks the same way!
Numbers of the form shrink with ECF , bijectively mapped to 11.
Generalization of shrinking proofs
We will use proof by induction. Let us see the first few results:
A general form for the numbers w.r.t can be written as . As for the ECFs, we can define them by the following recursion:
This gives the sequence 2, 5, 11, 23, 47, 95, 191, …; and is a perfect opportunity to see if OEIS has it! Indeed it has: OEIS A083329.
There is also OEIS A055010 but only the leading term is different, which we do not consider since we start with .
The ECFs follow the pattern:
Let us write the ICF for some number for ECF .
I had to use Wolfram|Alpha to see that:
So, what we have is:
That is cool and all, but sadly does not turn out to be an integer each time. When it does, it does show that the number is shrinking though!
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