Recursive Index-Parity Tree
Classifying numbers with respect to their position
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Classifying numbers with respect to their position
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So far we have looked at trajectories, their ECFs, and their ICFs. Now, we will describe a binary tree called Recursive Index-Parity Tree (RIPTree) that allows us a great tool to obtain numbers with non-empty prefixes for their sequence ECFs.
A RIPTree for a natural number is defined as a binary tree with the following properties:
The root node has a list of natural number .
The left child of every node has the even-indexed elements of its parent's numbers, and the edge between them is labeled as 0.
The left child of every node has the odd-indexed elements of its parent's numbers, and the edge between them is labeled as 1.
Empty nodes are omitted.
The first node that has number 7 as its smallest element is at the path 100
. Let's see if our calculations hold:
(Subtract 1)
Now, going back from 100 to 7:
(Add 1)
The paths of powers of 2 are always all zeros. So the corresponding number is 0, and we won't be able to calculate which power of 2 this belongs to just by looking at the result. We can obtain a 1-to-1 correspondence by appending 1 to the path of powers of 2. Looking at the tree, we notice that appending 1 does not change the first number in the node.
The other case:
TODO: mention that prefix can be many if you allow "even terminating numbers", but we only allows Odds
For instance, if a node has , then its left child has and its right child has .
Path is a function such that is the binary number represented by the concatenation of edge labels that are encountered when we start from the root node and reach the first node that has as its smallest element.
There is a quite neat formula to calculate :
Noting that every operation here is bijective, we can do the opposite to calculate the number at a given path :
There is even an OEIS entry for the path calculation given , see
(Write as Binary)
(Write as Decimal)
Let us look at the list of numbers at a given path, say at the path 10
. Let us look at their sequences:
with ECF .
with ECF .
with ECF .
It turns out that numbers at a given path all share a common prefix: . Specifically, numbers at a path are all in the form of where denotes the length of path, and . All these numbers share a common prefix among their sequences. The length of the prefix is at most .
The proof is simple. Consider an odd number and . The Collatz function has two cases, and . When we look at the first one:
and denote this new number as .
and denote this new number as .
In both cases, the numbers continue be related in a similar form as we start with, that is: and . Only in the division by 2, we must ensure is large enough so that we can continue dividing by two.